cover of Dead Youth, or, The Leaks by Joyelle McSweeney; a band of short vertical columns of different shades of orange and red that span across the center of the page
Dead Youth, or, The Leaks
By Joyelle McSweeney
Art by Ashley Lamb
cover of In Space In Situ by Amy Evans McClure; photo of a navy blue statue on a pedestal in front of a wood wall of a woman with no arms or head
In Space in Situ
Art by Amy Evans McClure
cover of Aufgabe 5, fall 2005; pink background with horizontal orange lines and an orange rectangle along the bottom with curved lines in pink and orange interrupting their background interrupting
Aufgabe No. 5
Edited by E. Tracy Grinnell, Mark Tardi, Guy Bennett
Emptied of All Ships by Stacy Szymaszek, Book cover showing a photograph of waves in the ocean.
Emptied of All Ships
By Stacy Szymaszek
cover of memnoir by joan retallack; dark green background with outline of a rectangle in the center with three thick cream-colored lines inside
By Joan Retallack
cover for Afugabe Number 3, Fall 2003. White background with the image of a square piece of camo green fabric. A tadpole is embroidered into the center of the fabric square with light green, almost white thread.
Aufgabe No. 3
Edited by E. Tracy Grinnell, Jen Hofer
cover of Plum Stones by michael mcclure, light blue background with circular illustration at the center of boar-like creature standing on land and a dragon in water
Plum Stones/Cartoons of No Heaven
By Michael McClure
A Dangerous Thing poetry by Ruth-Marion Baruch
A Dangerous Thing
By Ruth-Marion Baruch
cover of It's go in quiet illumined grass land by Leslie Scalapino; sky blue background with large white square at the center and three thick lines inside, one red and two blue
It’s Go In/ Quiet Illumined Grass/ Land
By Leslie Scalapino
cover of Undying Love or Love Dies by Jalal Toufic; black background with red hand-drawn, partially colored in heart near center
Undying Love, or Love Dies
By Jalal Toufic
cover of Aufgabe 1, summer 2001; grey background, small typed white numbers dot the page with straight and curvy lines cutting through
Aufgabe No. 1
Edited by E. Tracy Grinnell, Leslie Scalapino, Norma Cole
cover of Where The Rocks Started by Marc Atherton; two photos, one on top of the other, of a mountainous grassy valley with fog rolling through and hillsides in the difference
Where the Rocks Started
By Marc Atherton
cover of Some Life by Joanne Kyger; bright red background with large light pink square in the middle and three thick lines inside of different shades of green
Some Life
By Joanne Kyger
cover of forged by fanny howe; light blue background with pale yellow square in the center and three thick lines inside, one light blue and two red
By Fanny Howe
cover of Last Decade by Karl Roeseler; bright background with bright blue square in the center and three thick lines inside, one yellow, one red, one white
Last Decade
By Karl Roeseler
cover of Citeria by Sianne Ngai; three repeated narrow vertical negative photos layered on top of each other of stone tied to a pulley system casting it shadow on the wall, photos are on a pink background
By Sianne Ngai
cover of The Book of Tendons by eleni sikelianos; off-white background with teal square outlined in bright red in the center and three thick lines inside of different lengths, one in mint green and two in bright red, title and author name centered above in red typed text
The Book of Tendons
By Eleni Sikelianos
A Descriptive Method by Claude Royet-Journoud, white background with square outlined in light blue near center, three differently sized thick lines stacked vertically inside, one light blue, one sky blue, one maroon
A Descriptive Method
By Claude Royet-Journoud
Translated by Keith Waldrop
cover of Moira by Norma Cole; light grey background, four large pencil-drawn blobs, white on the inside, Moira handwritten in red all-caps in the biggest center blob
By Norma Cole
A Beggar at Damascus Gate
By Yasmin Zahran

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