
By Norma Cole


O Books
Original Language(s)
Additional Credits
Cover design by Marina Adams
Edition, Year
First Edition, 1995
Out of Print

Moira has the complexity of both a mystery and a morality tale. It is ripe with poetic stratagems. Norma Cole has invented a liquid space where figures enter passageways (sections) of “discovery rather than defining.” — Barbara Guest

Norma Cole
Norma Cole is a poet, visual artist and translator. Her most recent book of poetry is FATE NEWS. Other books include Win These Posters and Other Unrelated Prizes Inside, Where Shadows Will: Selected Poems 1988—2008, Spinoza in ... Read More

…you is a construct. The poem constructs you as a formal device. Implicates you, metaphorically or literally. By means of apostrophe, which means a turning away—out of the frame. By invocation to the muse. By just saying “you.” By implication. By not saying you.

— Norma Cole, featured blogger at the Poetry Foundation


Praise for Moira

To recover the telling, the human, we must unwind the tale, unbind the tale, the present seems to say. And to recover meaning, we must resist its simulacra, cajolings and screens. We must allow the voice—the work—its plurality, its silences, its infinite, its pleated body. Such, in part, is the project of recovery and discovery in Norma Cole’s Moira. With striking formal and emotional range, its sequences call toward things and the ideas in motion in them.

— Michael Palmer

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