Norma Cole

Author, Editor, Translator

Norma Cole is a poet, visual artist and translator. Her most recent book of poetry is FATE NEWS. Other books include Win These Posters and Other Unrelated Prizes Inside, Where Shadows Will: Selected Poems 1988—2008, Spinoza in Her Youth, TO BE AT MUSIC: Essays & Talks and Actualities, her collaboration with Marina Adams. Her translations from the French include Danielle Collobert’s It Then, Crosscut Universe: Writing on Writing from France (edited and translated by Cole), and Jean Daive’s White Decimal. Her awards include the Fund for Poetry, Gertrude Stein Award, the Richardson Award for Non-Fiction Prose and the Wallace Alexander Gerbode Foundation Award for Poetry. She curated a show by Marina Adams at Cue Arts in NYC and collaborated with Adams in BOMB 114, Winter 2011. Her visual work has been shown at the Miami University Art Museum, [2nd floor projects] in San Francisco, “Way Bay,” at the Berkeley Art Museum and most recently her film, “By the Turning Bridge,” at Arion Press, San Francisco, and NIAD, Richmond, California. A book of her drawings, called DRAWINGS, with an introduction by Mary Ann Caws, just appeared from Further Other Book Works.

From Our Catalog

By Norma Cole
Mind-God and The Properties of Nitrogen
By Fouad Gabriel Naffah
Translated By Norma Cole
Notebooks, 1956-1978
By Danielle Collobert
Translated By Norma Cole
By Norma Cole
It Then
By Danielle Collobert
Translated By Norma Cole

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