cover of THERE by etel adnan; burnt orange background, large square b&w photo of a table beside a stool on a box with gourdes in top, in front of a curtain and window
There: In the Light and the Darkness of the Self and of the Other
By Etel Adnan
quill, solitary apparition by barbara guest, salmon pink background with light grey splotch in the middle
Quill, Solitary Apparition
By Barbara Guest
cover of The Indian Never Had a Horse by etel adnan; light pink background with a large vertical rectangle centered of a black ink drawing of trees and a horizon line, title and author photo centered below in typed text
The Indian Never Had a Horse & Other Poems
By Etel Adnan
cover of Of Cities & Women (Letters to Fawwaz) by Etel Adnan; pale pink background, large horizontal rectangular b&w charcoal drawing from underneath a bridge
Of Cities & Women
By Etel Adnan
cover of Paris, When It's Naked by Etel Adnan; dull yellow background, large rectangular b&w photo at center of statue with bust of a man on a large podium in front of a large tree
Paris, When It’s Naked
By Etel Adnan
Agatha & Savannah Bay
By Marguerite Duras
Translated by Howard Limoli
cover of The Spring Flowers Own & The Manifestations of the Voyage by Etel Adnan, yellowish/off-white background with vertical white rectangle near center and hand-drawn black lines and shading inside, author name centered above in black typing and title centered below in red typing
The Spring Flowers Own & The Manifestations of the Voyage
By Etel Adnan
cover of Rumi and Sufism by Eva de Vitray-Meyerovitch; b&w photo of men dnacing in a cricle, their arms out, wearing white robes and cylindrical caps, photo is on a white background with title above and author name below in red typing
Rûmî and Sufism
By Eva de Vitray-Meyerovitch
Translated by Simone Fattal
cover of Home for the Summer by Georgina Kleege; medium sized black charcoal square at center of white background with four smaller charcoal sqaures in a line underneath, a banner of light green across the top and bottom with the title, author name, and press name written in red typed letters
Home for the Summer
By Georgina Kleege
cover of sitt marie rose by etel adnan; white background, light grey map of lebanon behind black typed title and author name
Sitt Marie Rose
By Etel Adnan
Translated by Georgina Kleege

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