Front cover of Viscera, Eight Voices from Poland with collage by Małgorzata Pawlak
Viscera: Eight Voices from Poland
Edited by Mark Tardi
Bilingual cover of Safe Fathy's Where Not to Be Born with English and Arabic titles and two images of paintings by Taraneh Mosadegh against a dark blue black cover
Where Not to Be Born
By Safaa Fathy
Translated by Rawad Z. Wehbe
Cover image of Another Room to Live In featuring sculpture by Simone Fattal
Another Room to Live In: 15 Contemporary Arab Poets
Edited by Omar Berrada, Sarah Riggs
Cover image for Sphinx by Liliane Giraudon shows the silhouette of a woman holding a bird upside down by the feet with wings splayed against a red background
By Liliane Giraudon
Translated by Lindsay Turner
I Caustic front cover with abstract painting by Moa Bennani in black taupe and rust colors
I, Caustic
By Mohammed Khaïr-Eddine
Translated by Jake Syersak
White cover with image of artwork by Alison Rossiter titled Density 1947. Six gelatin prints in off-white and beige, with book title, author and translator names below.
Body Was
By Isabelle Garron
Translated by Eléna Rivera
Clamor (Clameur) by Hocine Tandjaoui, Translated by Olivia C. Harrison and Teresa Villa-Ignacio, Book cover showing a figure in bright red, magenta and yellow falling backward or dancing, the background is a sketch drawing of black and red charcoal forming two square like frames, the space where they meet is filled with black dots.
By Hocine Tandjaoui
Translated by Olivia C. Harrison, Teresa Villa-Ignacio
In the Environs of a Film by Danielle Colbert, Book cover showing a drawing of boats in birds-eye-view, greyscale
In the Environs of a Film
By Danielle Collobert
Translated by Nathanaël
cover of Bewildered by michael a sells; light grey background with a four by five grid of colorful square-shaped smudges, title in white typed text centered near top
By Muhyiddin Ibn al-'Arabi
Translated by Michael Sells
A Transpacific Poetics edited by Lisa Samuels & Sawako Nakayasu, Book cover showing seven differently ornamented ribbons moving vertically across the page.
A Transpacific Poetics
Edited by Lisa Samuels, Sawako Nakayasu
cover of Anti-Humboldt by Hugo Garcia Manriquez, black and white aerial photo of roads, one road splitting into three and curving off the sides of the page, the other cutting straight across diagonally
By Hugo García Manríquez
cover of lazy suzie by suzanne doppelt, translated by cole swensen; two b&w repeated images of an icy lakeand a snowy shore with a bench and three bare trees, the left image is upside down and adjusted so the horizon lines on each image match
Lazy Suzie
By Suzanne Doppelt
Translated by Cole Swensen
Amnesia of the Movement of Clouds & of Red and Black Verse by Maria Attanasio, translated by Carla Billitteri, Bookcover showing white horizontal lines across a black background, accentuated by white dots
Amnesia of the Movement of Clouds / Of Red & Black Verse
By Maria Attanasio
Translated by Carla Billitteri
cover of Murder by Danielle Collobert, translated by Nathanaël; b&w photo of a crumbline apartment building, with a sky that turns into a stone wall
By Danielle Collobert
Translated by Nathanaël
cover of Time of Sky Castles in the Air by Ayane Kawata, translated by Sawako Nakayasu; illustration of bare trees growing out of grey water
Time of Sky & Castles in the Air
By Ayane Kawata
Translated by Sawako Nakayasu
cover of Face Before Against, by Isabelle Garron and translated by Sarah Riggs. Dark grey background with abstract white and beige figures intertwined and standing on a maroon oval.
Face Before Against
By Isabelle Garron
Translated by Sarah Riggs
Four from Japan: Contemporary Poetry & Essays by Women, by Kiriu Minashita, Kyong Mi-Park, Ryoko Sekiguchi, Takako Arai, Introduction & Translation by Sawako Nakayasu, Book cover showing big brush strokes in blue, yellows and greens against grey background.
Four from Japan
By Ryoko Sekiguchi, Takako Arai, Kiriu Minashita, Kyong-Mi Park
Translated by Cole Swensen, Sawako Nakayasu, Ryoko Sekiguchi
Inner China by Eva Sjödin, Translated by Jennifer Hayashida, Book cover showing delicate drawings of anatomical structures against brown background and lightly printed Swedish text.
Inner China
By Eva Sjödin
Translated by Jennifer Hayashida
Another Kind of Tenderness by Xue Di, Bookcover showing a print of a shape resembling a mushroom or a tree, with little spore-like figures floating towards its top
Another Kind of Tenderness
By Xue Di
Translated by Keith Waldrop, Forrest Gander, Stephen Thomas, Ted Deppe, Sue Ellen Thomas, Wang Ping, Hil Anderson, Waverly Crook, Iona Crook
Notebooks 1956-1978 by Danielle Collobert, Translated by Norma Cole, Book cover showing a small B&W photograph of a Brasserie, against a deep red background.
Notebooks, 1956-1978
By Danielle Collobert
Translated by Norma Cole

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