cover of Seasons by etel adnan, dull red background with a large off-white rectangle in the middle and black doodles inside, white typed text of title and author name centered above
By Etel Adnan
cover of disposed by steve dickison; blue background with a large off-white rectangle in the middle and black doodles inside, white typed text of title and author name centered above
By Steve Dickison
cover of Thrall by Susan Gevirtz, light green background with a large white rectangle in the middle and black doodles inside, title and author name in red typed text
By Susan Gevirtz
cover of The Lion by jennifer moxley; orange background with a large off-white rectangle in the middle and black doodles inside, title and author name in blue typed text centered above
The Line
By Jennifer Moxley
The Arab Apocalypse front cover image: bright orange background with a drawing of three broken, black circles lined up horizontally, with black streaks interrupting them. The circles could be representations of the sun. Text on the cover reads: Etel Adnan, The Arab Apocalypse, The Post-Apollo Press.
The Arab Apocalypse
By Etel Adnan
cover of Figured Image by anne-marie albiach, large ice glaciar with words printed on top in red and maroontext
Figured Image
By Anne-Marie Albiach
Translated by Keith Waldrop
cover for Step by Gerorge Albon, bright yellow background with a large white rectangle in the middle and black doodles inside
By George Albon
cover of Einar by Elfriede Jelinek; bright red background with light grey outline of a square at the center and three tick lines inside of varying shades of light grey
By Elfriede Jelinek
Translated by P.J. Blumenthal
Abu Musa’s Women Neighbors
By Ahmed Toufiq
Translated by Roger Allen
cover of Two or Three Things I'm Dying to Tell You by Jalal Toufic, repeated image of the back of a man in a grey suit, title printed in an orange speech bubble
Two or Three Things I’m Dying to Tell You
By Jalal Toufic
cover of Twelve Nights by Gerlind Reinshagen; repeated image of a large tree with a red-tint
Twelve Nights
By Gerlind Reinshagen
Translated by Anthony Vivis
cover of Slef-Destruction by Laura Moriarty; b&w photo of a white stature of a man holding onto a woman around her waist as she holds a jug and he drinks from it, in front of leafy hedge, title and author name in bright yellow typed text
By Laura Moriarty
cover of Mind-God & The Properties of Nitrogen by Fouad Gabriel Naffah, translated and introduction by Norma Cole; textured off-white background, pastel simple sketch of a person on a walkway on two diagonal corners, pastel line drawings like square doodles in other two corners, title and contributor names centered in black typed text
Mind-God and The Properties of Nitrogen
By Fouad Gabriel Naffah
Translated by Norma Cole
By Kit Robinson
cover of egypt by Dawn Michelle Baude, olive green background with blue square in the center and a light grey square with a painted maroon eye inside
By Dawn-Michelle Baude
cover of In/Somia by Etel Adnan; dark blue background with large green square at the center and three thick red lines inside
By Etel Adnan
cover of Portraits & Repitition by Stephen Ratcliffe; faded music score placed vertically, black ink blots scattered across the page
Portraits & Repetition
By Stephen Ratcliffe
cover of Everything Happens by Dominique Fourcade; dark green background with black outline of green square int he center and three thick lines inside, one red, one pink, one white
Everything Happens
By Dominique Fourcade
Translated by Stacy Doris
Codicil & Plan for Pond 4
By Emmanuel Hocquard
Translated by Juliette Valéry, Ray DiPalma
cover of meadow by tom raworth, bright red background with a large white square centered and three thick lines of different lengths stacked, one yellow, one green one red, typed yellow text of title and author name centered above
By Tom Raworth

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