cover of A Certain Slant of Sunlight by Ted Berrigan; background is colored in with maroon pen, with white space for title in maroon typing at top center, a black hand-drawn diagram of a windshield a note that says "there is no windshield," and white space for author name underneath in maroon typing
A Certain Slant of Sunlight
By Ted Berrigan
cover of Abjections by rick london, light grey-blue background with a smudge of light pink on left side slightly above horizontal, title is right justified at the bottom half of page and repeated in a column in black typed text, interrupted by author name in white typed text and the title written once in white text
Abjections: A Suite
By Rick London
cover of Citeria by Sianne Ngai; three repeated narrow vertical negative photos layered on top of each other of stone tied to a pulley system casting it shadow on the wall, photos are on a pink background
By Sianne Ngai
cover of In Space In Situ by Amy Evans McClure; photo of a navy blue statue on a pedestal in front of a wood wall of a woman with no arms or head
In Space in Situ
Art by Amy Evans McClure
cover of Memory Play by Carla Harryman, textured white background with black specks bursting from a single point and scattering
Memory Play
By Carla Harryman
cover of Moira by Norma Cole; light grey background, four large pencil-drawn blobs, white on the inside, Moira handwritten in red all-caps in the biggest center blob
By Norma Cole
cover of O Three, War edited by Leslie Scalapino, dark grey background with small cut-out white squares with handwritten blue and red writing
O Three / War
Edited by Leslie Scalapino
cover of Plum Stones by michael mcclure, light blue background with circular illustration at the center of boar-like creature standing on land and a dragon in water
Plum Stones/Cartoons of No Heaven
By Michael McClure
cover of Precisely the Point Being Made by Norman Fischer, off-white background with rectangular image along the bottom of light grey circles and black dots
Precisely the Point Being Made
By Norman Fischer
cover of Rome, A Mobile Home by Jerry Estrin, dark red background with horizontal b&w close-up photo of a line of stones in sand
Rome, a Mobile Home
By Jerry Estrin
cover of Talking In Tranquility, interviews with Ted Berrigan, light pink columns along the sides and an vertical b&w photo of a man reading from a music stand and a woman facing him
Talking in Tranquility: Interviews with Ted Berrigan
By Ted Berrigan, Leslie Scalapino
Edited by Stephen Ratcliffe
cover of The History of the Loma People by Paul Degein Korvah, b&w image of two people sitting in front of a cement hut with a hay roof
The History of the Loma People
By Paul D. Korvah
cover of The Quietist by Fanny Howe, pale pink background with dark green hand drawing of lines like rain, a nail over an oval, and a face with a circle hat
The Quietist
By Fanny Howe
cover of What I Believe by Robert Genier, black bacground with white handwritten lettering
What I Believe
By Robert Grenier

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