Simone Fattal discusses The Post-Apollo Press
The first major exhibition at Bergen Kunsthall in 2020 was a comprehensive presentation of the works by the Lebanese-American artist Simone Fattal. Fix Your Gaze on Saturn’s Rings included a selection of publications by Post-Apollo Press, illustrated both by Fattal herself and by her life partner, the poet and painter Etel Adnan. The books presented […]

Sweet Land, an opera, with libretto co-written by Aja Couchois Duncan & Douglas Kearney
The Arrivals wash up on the shore. They make contact with another civilization they call “the Hosts.” And from there, the story splinters, following diverging perspectives. Starting as a procession through the LA State Historic Park, Sweet Land becomes an opera that erases itself. The company that created Invisible Cities and Hopscotch, now brings you a grotesque historical pageant […]

Bewildered by Love and Longing: An Interview
Jane Clark and Cecilia Twinch talk to translator Michael A. Sells and to artist and publisher Simone Fattal, who has produced the book Bewildered for The Post Apollo Press. Originally published in Beshara Magazine, Issue 10 2018. Cecilia: Michael, these English versions of poems from Translation of Desires have been a work in […]

Will Alexander Awarded Lifetime Achievement Award in Poetry by Beyond Baroque
Will Alexander has been awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award in Poetry by Beyond Baroque!

LAMENT; Or, The Mine Has Been Opened Up Well @ Digital Trash
On show until DEC. 7, Digital Trash raises questions about what counts as “trash” and how digital technology is impacting the environment. Jennifer Scappettone and collaborators Abraham Avnisan and Judd Morrissey have an immersive installation in this show called LAMENT; Or, The Mine Has Been Opened Up Well. LAMENT is […]

AAWW “Cities of the Future” Reading with Chlala, Foster, and Gladman
"Cities of the Future" features Youmna Chlala, Sesshu Foster, and Renee Gladman at the Asian American Writers Workshop

Aufgabe, 2001–2014 (ed. E. Tracy Grinnell et al.) | Jacket2
Aufgabe, 2001–2014 (ed. E. Tracy Grinnell et al.) The task of recounting the work of Aufgabe is formidable. Founding editor E. Tracy Grinnell initiated the magazine in the Bay Area in 1999. Over the next fifteen years, Aufgabe has featured seventy editors, roughly 700 writers, nearly 150 translators, and twenty artists from twenty-three countries. The […]

natural death, co-elaboration, & the change is the change: E. Tracy Grinnell on the end of Aufgabe
Litmus Press editor E. Tracy Grinnell reflects beautifully on the life and (natural) death of Aufgabe and the possibilities of exchange and transformation in poetic communities on the Poetry Foundation’s blog, Harriet.

Nicole Trigg reviews Mary Burger’s Then Go On for Jacket2
In her new book Then Go On, Mary Burger explores how to occupy space and time with language and thought, how to expand the self, transgressing its borders, how to exhaust thought, how to suspend time and the self, and how to exceed language with itself. Read Review on Jacket2