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Call for Indigenous LGBTQ2SIA+ poetry

Editors Crisosto Apache and Julian Talamantez Brolaski are excited to announce a call for submissions for a new volume of Indigiqueer / two-spirit poetry, tentatively titled Gathering in the Glittering Field: Indigenous Two-Spirit Poetry. This will be the first volume ...

The Coming Mental Range cover with an abstract painting by Will Alexander in yellow red blue and green with a band of solid red above and below the image

Alchemy of Species: on Will Alexander’s The Coming Mental Range

For Will Alexander, philosophy “means inquiry into the broadest view, into the most encompassing range, taking into account the known and what is considered to be the unknown.” This malleable and generous approach is also what animates ...

New Litmus Reader Resource: The Aja Couchois Duncan Teaching Guide

With an interest in exploring the generative possibilities of digital learning tools that will be a boon to teachers even in a post-pandemic future, Litmus has spent the last couple years reimagining its role in the webosphere. So ...

page from Off-World Fairy Tales shows excerpt from a story with image of an eye and a cluster of stars

Susan Bee and Johanna Drucker at BOMB Magazine

In this interview at BOMB Magazine, Susan Bee and Johanna Drucker discuss their most recent collaboration, Off-World Fairy Tales (Litmus Press, 2020), fantasy as a mode of political resistance, feminism and play, science fiction and poetry, friendship, and more: Johanna Drucker: In ...

cream colored rectangle with eyes, a mouth, and legs radiates golden stars and stands on a yello brick road that leads to an upside down rainmoe with green arrow coming out each end

Off-World Fairy Tales — Now Available at SPD

Susan Bee and Johanna Drucker's third collaboration has landed! Following their Fabulas Feminae (Litmus Press, 2015) and A Girl’s Life (Granary Books, 2002), Susan Bee and Johanna Drucker's newest collaboration, Off-World Fairy Tales (Litmus Press, 2020), brings together Bee's vibrant, playful collages with Drucker's ...

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