Considering how exaggerated music is

By Leslie Scalapino


O Books
Original Language(s)
Edition, Year
Second Edition, 1982
In Print

Originally published by North Point Press, this collection includes the author’s first three books as well as three never-before published book-length poems.

Leslie Scalapino
Leslie Scalapino (1947-2010) was born in Santa Barbara, California and raised in Berkeley. She is the author of thirty books of poetry, prose, inter-genre fiction, plays, and essays, including a collaboration with artist Kiki Smith, Read More

Scalapino is concerned to demonstrate a rupture between phenomena and our perception and memory of them, and ruptures between successive remembrances of a particular past event: “Perception itself is phenomena,” and Scalapino is careful to distinguish between an event and the perceptual interpretation of that event.

— Camille Martin, Rogue Embryo


Praise for Considering how exaggerated music is

I enjoy the solidity of Leslie Scalapino’s work: a specific sensibility moving in a particular world… Here is elegant presentation of particular facts known uniquely by a powerful artist.

— Philip Whalen

That light I like so much in Leslie Scalapino’s poems, which seems to derive from her very quiet, zany, spooky, joyous word—love… it’s that light that gives me the feeling of being in the right place when I’m reading her poems. It’s like suddenly remembering, oh, that’s right, this is where I wanted to be.

— Ted Berrigan

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