
By Alan Davies


O Books
Original Language(s)
Hybrid Forms, Literary Non-Fiction, Poetry
Edition, Year
First Edition, 1990
In Print

A unique collection juxtaposing and interweaving essays, reviews, and poetry, by which Alan Davies has created a self-revealing form that is tonal critical commentary: a radical crossing of borders between discursive, social perception, and poetry. The text skates up to itself in sometimes utter simplicity, revealing itself/himself.

Alan Davies
Alan Davies is the author of many books of poetry and theory including Active 24 Hours (Roof Books, 1982), Name (This Press, 1986), Signage (Roof Books, ... Read More

But one should also see these reviews as relays, notes passed to others for the sake of the work, means of announcing and transmitting it, traces of its appropriation into the poet’s own writing, registers of the questions it raises for him, questions on which the network has been meditating for years.

— Paul Mann, Contemporary Literature


Praise for Candor

Davies’ belief in radical self-reflexivity has led him, in the course of his writing career, from a virtually opaque formalism to a continuity of text and life-world that is anything but aesthetic construction.

— Barrett Watten

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