Aufgabe No. 1

Edited by E. Tracy Grinnell, Leslie Scalapino, Norma Cole

Out of Print

Litmus Press
Original Language(s)
Additional Credits
Cover design by Guy Bennett & E. Tracy Grinnell
Book design by Guy Bennett
Edition, Year
First Edition, 2001
Paperback, Web-Ready PDF
Digital, Out of Print

The inaugural issue of Aufgabe features a visual cross-section of small press publications from France, guest edited by Norma Cole and comprising the covers and tables of contents of journals ranging from 1968 to 1999. Through this visual engagement in the the international conversation between poetic communities, Aufgabe honors predecessors in literary history while making a space for itself as a contemporary publication. Peter Neufeld co-edited issue  No. 1 with E. Tracy Grinnell, and the issue also includes a selection of poetry guest edited by Leslie Scalapino.

Including poetry by P. Inman, Miles Champion, Pierre Joris, Mei-Mei Berssenbrugge, Rod Smith, Lyn Hejinian and Leslie Scalapino, Ted Pearson, Heather Fuller, Jason Ellrott, Susan Bee & Charles Bernstein, Fanny Howe, Giovanni Singleton, Mary Burger, Patrick Durgin, Avery Burns, Catherine Wagner, George Albon, Andrew Levy, Jean Day, Elizabeth Treadwell, Mayvonne Quilty, Standard Schaefer, Lytle Shaw, Jocelyn Saidenberg, Rick Snyder, Elizabeth Robinson, Jackson Mac Low, Will Alexander, Andrew Joron, Susan Gevirtz, Joseph Noble, Scott Inguito, Edmund Berrigan, Harryette Mullen, Emily Grossman, Jono Schneider, Laynie Browne, Noah DeLissovoy, and Elizabeth Willis.

Essays, Notes, and Talks by Elizabeth Treadwell, George Albon, Noah Delissovoy, Pamela Lu, and Mary Burger. Reviews by Susan Gevirtz on Barbara Guest, Andrew Joron on Clark Coolidge, Elizabeth Robinson on Gale Nelson, Dan Featherson, Eleni Sikelianos, Brian Strang on Kit Robinson, and Joseph Noble on George Oppen.

E. Tracy Grinnell
E. Tracy Grinnell is the author of Hell Figures (Nightboat Books, 2016), portrait of a lesser subject (Elis Press, 2015), Helen: A ... Read More
Norma Cole
Norma Cole is a poet, visual artist and translator. Her most recent book of poetry is FATE NEWS. Other books include Win These Posters and Other Unrelated Prizes Inside, Where Shadows Will: Selected Poems 1988—2008, Spinoza in ... Read More
Leslie Scalapino
Leslie Scalapino (1947-2010) was born in Santa Barbara, California and raised in Berkeley. She is the author of thirty books of poetry, prose, inter-genre fiction, plays, and essays, including a collaboration with artist Kiki Smith, Read More

About Aufgabe

The task of recounting the work of Aufgabe is formidable. Founding editor E. Tracy Grinnell initiated the magazine in the Bay Area in 1999. Over the next fifteen years, Aufgabe featured seventy editors, roughly 700 writers, nearly 150 translators, and twenty artists from twenty-three countries. The magazine was uniformly released from 2001 until 2014 in perfect-bound 6″ x 9″ format with one thousand copies printed per issue. In each issue, Aufgabe “challenges static cultural modes of thinking and being” through a dense global network of innovative poetry and poetics.

— Danny Snelson, Jacket2 Reissues

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