New Teaching Resource: on the poetics of kari edwards

We are thrilled to share the newest resource from our series of educational tools for instructors, students and general readers of experimental poetry.
The poetics of kari edwards is a *free* Teaching Guide dedicated to iduna (O Books, 2003) & Bharat Jiva (Litmus Press, 2009). The guide was made in collaboration with poets, editors and educators Julian Talamantez Brolaski and erica kaufman.
Our Teaching Guides are dedicated to the study of works published by Litmus Press, O Books, and The Post-Apollo Press. The guides, crafted in close conversation with our authors and editors, include introductory information alongside content for lesson planning, discussion questions, writing activities, and suggested supplemental readings.

kari edwards, from “iduna” (O Books, 2003)
The poetics of kari edwards includes a wide scope of entrance points into the radical landscapes of iduna and Bharat Jiva. From Buddhist thought to queer phenomenology: as one of the earliest figures of trans writing, kari edwards’ multifarious work has created whole lexica for generations of writers. As such, our editors put emphasis on an abundance of multidisciplinary writing prompts, inviting prospective poets to write with/through kari.
kari’s poetics recognize the act of reading as a site for personal and political revolution. Discussion questions in this guide reflect an effort to dis/comfort the challenges present in hir work. Supplementary material contextualizes kari in a lineage of “canonized” works, while also situating hir books amongst contemporary expressions of trans-& queer poetics.
We welcome you to use this or one of our other Teaching Guides for your classroom, reading group, discussions or personal reading. For now, we have three other guides available, focusing on works by Hugo García Manríquez, Etel Adnan, and Aja Couchois Duncan.
If you’re interested in other teaching resources, we want to direct your attention to Open Poetics, our open access digital book series.
And as always, feel free to get in touch with feedback, suggestions and ideas for future teaching material!