An Interview with Burcu Sahin and Jennifer Hayashida on Embroideries
To celebrate the poetry debut Embroideries by Burcu Sahin, translated from Swedish by Jennifer Hayashida, Litmus Press intern Dahlia Olivo interviewed Sahin and Hayashida on writing, crafting, translating and finishing the collection. Plus, some advice ...

Adnan’s Voyage, War, and Exile
This is the third post in a series of engagements by Litmus authors, translators, and editors reflecting on the connection of their work to the ongoing struggle and violence, current and historical, in Palestine. Rooted in our commitment to creating ...

Hocine Tandjaoui: Tribute to Allen Ginsberg
This is the second post in a series of engagements by Litmus authors, translators, and editors reflecting on the connection of their work to the ongoing struggle and violence, current and historical, in Palestine. Rooted in our commitment to creating ...

Lyn Hejinian
“with sun up / and down dark on / and on as life continues / ending with urgency / —that— / a predatory subjectivity feels / drawn between banks / from higher grounds down / like ...

Olivia C. Harrison: On Palestine Solidarity
This is the first post in a series of engagements by Litmus authors, translators, and editors reflecting on the connection of their work to the ongoing struggle and violence, current and historical, in Palestine. Rooted in our commitment to creating ...

one is in space / one is in time: an online Reading and generative Writing Workshop
We're thrilled to invite you to “one is in space and/ one is in time:” an online Launch of the digital-critical Edition of Leslie Scalapino’s It’s go in/ quiet illumined grass/ land in collaboration with CUNY Manifold, Litmus ...

Call for Indigenous LGBTQ2SIA+ poetry
Editors Crisosto Apache and Julian Talamantez Brolaski are excited to announce a call for submissions for a new volume of Indigiqueer / two-spirit poetry, tentatively titled Gathering in the Glittering Field: Indigenous Two-Spirit Poetry. This will be the first volume ...

Our Newest eBook: It’s go in/ Quiet illumined grass/ Land by Leslie Scalapino.
We’re thrilled to be launching our third eBook, It's go in/ Quiet illumined grass/ Land by Leslie Scalapino – out now! This publication is part of Open Poetics Series ...

Introducing: A Guide to Teaching Standard American English by Elisabeth Houston
We are enthusiastically announcing the release of our newly published Litmus Teaching Guide, for Standard American English, the debut book by EL_S_TH H__ST_ON aka Elisabeth Houston, a writer and multidisciplinary artist, ...

Alchemy of Species: on Will Alexander’s The Coming Mental Range
For Will Alexander, philosophy “means inquiry into the broadest view, into the most encompassing range, taking into account the known and what is considered to be the unknown.” This malleable and generous approach is also what animates ...