An Interview with Burcu Sahin and Jennifer Hayashida on Embroideries
To celebrate the poetry debut Embroideries by Burcu Sahin, translated from Swedish by Jennifer Hayashida, Litmus Press intern Dahlia Olivo interviewed Sahin and Hayashida on writing, crafting, translating and finishing the collection. Plus, some advice ...

Susan Bee and Johanna Drucker at BOMB Magazine
In this interview at BOMB Magazine, Susan Bee and Johanna Drucker discuss their most recent collaboration, Off-World Fairy Tales (Litmus Press, 2020), fantasy as a mode of political resistance, feminism and play, science fiction and poetry, friendship, and more: Johanna Drucker: In ...

Youmna Chlala on Multilingualism, Text & Image in The Paper Camera
Here's a snippet from Mónica de la Torre's interview of Youmna Chlala at BOMB Magazine: Mónica de la Torre: You’re a polyglot working with multiple languages—verbal (French, English, Arabic), two-dimensional (drawing, photography, film), and three-dimensional (performance, sculptures, installations). You bring some ...

Experimental Writing and Beyond — Joan Retallack Interviewed at Place
The following is an excerpt from Jan Baetens' interview with Joan Retallack, "Experimental Writing and Beyond An interview with Joan Retallack," in the January 2021 issue of Place magazine. Baetens: ...[Y]ou repeatedly draw attention to a certain analogy between scientific ...