New Litmus Reader Resource: The Aja Couchois Duncan Teaching Guide
With an interest in exploring the generative possibilities of digital learning tools that will be a boon to teachers even in a post-pandemic future, Litmus has spent the last couple years reimagining its role in the webosphere. So far, our efforts have culminated in two distinct projects: Open Poetics, an open-access digital book series, and […]

Celebrating Aja Couchois Duncan’s Vestigial & Indigenous People’s Day | Alta Mesa Center for the Arts
Aja Couchois Duncan’s Vestigial, the follow-up to her 2016 Litmus book Restless Continent, was released on August 30th. To celebrate the launch of Vestigial—a poetic narrative “exploring evolution, biomedicine, gender, lust, climate change and loneliness”— Duncan joined poet James Thomas Stevens in a virtual reading and conversation hosted by the Alta Mesa Center for the […]

Susan Bee and Johanna Drucker at BOMB Magazine
In this interview at BOMB Magazine, Susan Bee and Johanna Drucker discuss their most recent collaboration, Off-World Fairy Tales (Litmus Press, 2020), fantasy as a mode of political resistance, feminism and play, science fiction and poetry, friendship, and more: Johanna Drucker: In our other collaborations, the concept for the book framed the development of the texts and […]