War and Peace 4

Edited by Leslie Scalapino, Judith Goldman


O Books
Original Language(s)
Additional Credits
Cover art by Susan Bee
Edition, Year
First Edition, 2009
Web-Ready PDFPaperback
Digital, In Print

War and Peace 4: Vision and Text is devoted to collaborations between visual works and poetry—and to text itself as vision. Volume #4 of War and Peace includes the collaborative works of Charles Bernstein with Susan Bee, Amy Evans McClure with Michael McClure, Kiki Smith with Leslie Scalapino, Denise Newman with Gigi Janchang, a film on paper by Lyn Hejinian, and Alan Halsey’s visual texts, as well as vision-texts by Jen Scappettone and Brenda Iijima, Simone Fattal’s sculpture, and Petah Coyne’s “Black Cloud.” Judith Goldman interviews Marjorie Welish, Lauren Shufran interviews Jean Boully, and Leslie Scalapino interviews Mei-mei Berssenbrugge. Also included are E. Tracy Grinnell’s homophonic translations of Claude Cahun’s Hélène la rebelle and poems by Fanny Howe, Thom Donovan, and others.

Leslie Scalapino
Leslie Scalapino (1947-2010) was born in Santa Barbara, California and raised in Berkeley. She is the author of thirty books of poetry, prose, inter-genre fiction, plays, and essays, including a collaboration with artist Kiki Smith, Read More
Judith Goldman
Judith Goldman is the author of Vocoder (Roof Books, 2001), DEATHSTAR/RICO-CHET (O Books, 2006), “the dispossessions” (atticus/finch, 2009), and l.b.; or, catenaries Read More

As relation between political-social actions and writing: writing, since it is conceptual, is separate from action but may itself be an action by engaging that gap of separation.

— from a correspondence between the editors Leslie Scalapino and Judith Goldman, published at Jacket  


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