Aufgabe No. 7

Edited by E. Tracy Grinnell, Julian Talamantez Brolaski, Jennifer Scappettone


Litmus Press
Original Language(s)
Additional Credits
Cover art by Ruby Palmer
Design by HvA Design & E. Tracy Grinnell
Edition, Year
First Edition, 2008
Paperback, Web-Ready PDF
Digital, In Print

Aufgabe is an annual journal of new American poetry, essays, notes, reviews, talks and poetry in translation. Aufgabe No. 7 is edited by E. Tracy Grinnell, Julian Talamantez Brolaski, and Paul Foster Johnson, features a bilingual section of Italian poetry in translation, guest edited by Jennifer Scappettone. Reviews editor is Mark Tardi. Art editor is Rachel Bers. Italian poetry by Emilio Villa, Amelia Rosselli, Andrea Zanzotto, Nanni Cagnone, Milli Graffi, Maria Attanasio, Giuliano Mesa, Marco Giovenale, Andrea Raos, Giovanna Frene, Gherardo Bortolotti, Florinda Fusco, Massimo Sannelli, and artwork by Esse Zeta Atona. This issue also includes work by Evelyn Reilly, erica kaufman, kari edwards, Allison Cobb, Amy King, Sarah Mangold, Cynthia Sailers, Joshua Corey, Kate Colby, Lila Zemborain, Elena Rivera, Marcella Durand, Lisa Samuels, Brandon Brown, Kate Schapira, Jen Tynes, and more! Cover art and other images by Ruby Palmer.

E. Tracy Grinnell
E. Tracy Grinnell is the author of Hell Figures (Nightboat Books, 2016), portrait of a lesser subject (Elis Press, 2015), Helen: A ... Read More
Julian Talamantez Brolaski
Julian Talamantez Brolaski the author of Of Mongrelitude (Wave Books 2017), Advice for Lovers (City Lights 2012), and gowanus atropolis (Ugly Duckling Presse 2011).  Julian was the coediter, with E. Tracy Grinnell and erica kaufman, of NO GENDER: Reflections on ... Read More
Jennifer Scappettone
Jennifer Scappettone works at the crossroads of poetry, research, translation, radical pedagogy, and on-and-off-page arts. Her poetics encompass trans- and semilinguistic forms of making such as collage, trash archaeology, pixelation, embodied performance, film, soundscape production, and choral ... Read More

Poesia Ultima/Italian Poetry Now: Jennifer Scappettone presents four Italian poets “of research”—Maria Attanasio, Giovanna Frene (alias Sandra Bortolazzo), Marco Giovenale, and Milli Graffi—for an evening of poetry, translation and conversation.


Praise for Aufgabe No. 7

Jennifer [Scappettone] has penned an introduction to the selection [of Italian poetry in translation] that helpfully situates this poetry in relation to current global and Italian poetics, noting in particular how the internet is providing new sources of inspiration, such as the Kootenay school, Flarf, and so on, though Italy’s and Europe’s literary traditions, Jennifer notes, also provide many starting points.

— John Keene, J’s Theater

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