Oana Avasilichioaei
Oana Avasilichioaei interweaves poetry, sound, performance, image, and translation to explore an expanded idea of language, polyphonic voices, borders, and listening. Recent sound-performance works and commissions include Longitude (Rhizome, Quebec City, 2020), Eight over Two (Semi Silent, Bucharest, 2019), OPERATOR (2019), and Cells of Wind, a libretto for a one-act opera (FAWN, Toronto, 2020). Her six collections of poetry hybrids and photographs include Eight Track (Talonbooks, Vancouver, 2019), Limbinal (Talonbooks, 2015), and We, Beasts (Wolsak & Wynn, Hamilton, 2012, A. M. Klein Prize for Poetry). She has also translated many books of poetry and prose from French and Romanian, including Catherine Lalonde’s The Faerie Devouring (Book*hug, Toronto, 2018, QWF’s Cole Foundation Prize for Translation) and Bertrand Laverdure’s Readopolis (Book*hug, 2017, Governor General Literary Award for Translation). She’s based in Montreal.