Jessica Grim



Jessica Grim grew up in the Bay Area, and lived for periods in Texas, New York, and (again) California before moving, in the early 90s, to NE Ohio. Vexed (BlazeVOX, 2009) was first published as an ebook by /ubu Editions. Other books of poetry include Fray (O Books, 1998), Locale (Potes & Poets Press, 1995), and The Inveterate Life (O Books, 1990). With Melanie Neilson she co-edited Big Allis, a magazine focusing on experimental writing by women (1989-1996). She lives in Oberlin, OH, with her husband and son, and is a librarian at Oberlin College.

From Our Catalog

By Jessica Grim
The Inveterate Life
By Jessica Grim

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