Off-World Fairy Tales — Now Available at SPD

Susan Bee and Johanna Drucker’s third collaboration has landed!
Following their Fabulas Feminae (Litmus Press, 2015) and A Girl’s Life (Granary Books, 2002), Susan Bee and Johanna Drucker’s newest collaboration, Off-World Fairy Tales (Litmus Press, 2020), brings together Bee’s vibrant, playful collages with Drucker’s speculative poetic stories for intrepid readers of all ages. Off-World Fairy Tales blends and bends genres of techno-cyber-science-fiction, the fable, and the fairy tale. The stories are technological fantasies that shift the classic fairy tale genre into a wildly imagined “off-world”—with princesses operating interstellar vegetal vehicles, adventurers sailing pixelated seas, tiny digital devices on a quest in search of their lost motherboard, meme-streams beaming messages from the moon to lonely children in their rooms, cosmonauts, black holes, interstellar jam sessions, protoplasmic logic, and much more.
Visit our book page for Off-World Fairy Tales.
Susan Bee is an artist living in Brooklyn. She has had nine solo shows at A.I.R. Gallery and has published sixteen artist’s books. Her artwork is in many collections and has been widely reviewed. Bee was the coeditor of M/E/A/N/I/N/G. She has a BA from Barnard College and a MA from Hunter College. Bee received a Guggenheim Fellowship in Fine Arts in 2014.
Johanna Drucker is a writer and artist known for her creative and scholarly work in artists’ books, experimental typography, graphic arts, and information visualization. She is a Distinguished Professor and Breslauer Chair in the Department of Information Studies at UCLA. Her work is represented in collections internationally. Her novel Downdrift was published in 2018, and her study Iliazd: Meta-Biography of a Modernist is forthcoming.