Khadijah Queen


Khadijah Queen is the author of six books, including Anodyne, published in August 2020 by Tin House. I’m So Fine: A List of Famous Men & What I Had On (YesYes Books 2017) was praised in O Magazine, The New Yorker, Rain Taxi, Los Angeles Review, and elsewhere as “quietly devastating” and “a portrait of defiance that turns the male gaze inside out.” Her verse play Non-Sequitur (Litmus Press 2015) won the Leslie Scalapino Award for Innovative Women’s Performance Writing, which included a staged production at Theaterlab NYC. Other books include Conduit (Black Goat/Akashic Books 2008); Black Peculiar, winner of the 2010 Noemi Press book award and published in 2011; and Fearful Beloved (Argos Books 2015). Individual works appear in Harper’s Magazine, American Poetry Review, Fence, jubilat, Gulf Coast, The Poetry Review (UK) and widely elsewhere. She is an assistant professor of creative writing at University of Colorado, Boulder, and holds a PhD in English from University of Denver.

From Our Catalog

By Khadijah Queen

From Our Catalog

By Khadijah Queen
Aufgabe No. 12
Edited by E. Tracy Grinnell, erica kaufman, Oana Avasilichioaei, Tyrone Williams

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