Burcu Sahin

Burcu Sahin by Chai Saeidi
Burcu Sahin is a poet and literary critic based in Stockholm. She earned her BA in literature and aesthetics from Södertörns högskola and studied at Nordens Folkhögskola Biskops Arnö Writers’ Workshop where she has been teaching since then. Her first poetry collection Embroideries (Litmus Press, 2024), translated into English by Jennifer Hayashida was originally published in 2018 and awarded with the Winter Prize by the Society of the Nine, and the Catapult Prize for Best Literary Debut by the Swedish Writers’ Union. Her second poetry collection Blodbok (Albert Bonniers Förlag) was published in Swedish in 2022, and deals with memory culture and colonial history through an inventory of the archive from The Swedish Institute of Race Biology (1918-1956), still remaining at Uppsala University. For this work she received the publishing house Natur & Kultur scholarship. She has also written the chapbook Beloved Siblings (Autor, 2019) that goes into dialogue with the essay Speaking in Tongues by Gloria Anzaldúa, which she has translated into Swedish and published as a chapbook (Modernista, 2024). She is also a literary critic and essayist whose work has been published in literary magazines and papers such as Aftonbladet, Lyrikvännen, Kritiker, Ord&Bild and Provins.