Amin Khan



Amin Khan was born in Algiers during the Algerian War of Independence in 1956. He grew up in a revolutionary family, writing poetry, and nurturing interests in philosophy and politics. He studied at the University of Algiers, the University of Oxford and the Institut d’Études Politiques in Paris followed. As a diplomat and international civil servant, he held positions at the United Nations (New York), The World Bank (Washington, D.C.) and UNESCO in Paris, where he now lives with his family. His books include Les Mains de Fatma (Sned, 1982) and Archipel Cobalt (MLD, 2010), as well as Arabian Blues (MLD, 2012). He is the winner of the Prix de Poésie “François Coppée” de l’Académie française 2012 and Le Prix Méditerranée Nikos Gatsos 2012 for Arabian Blues.

From Our Catalog

Vision of the Return
By Amin Khan
Translated By Dawn-Michelle Baude

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