An Interview with Burcu Sahin and Jennifer Hayashida on Embroideries
To celebrate the poetry debut Embroideries by Burcu Sahin, translated from Swedish by Jennifer Hayashida, Litmus Press intern Dahlia Olivo interviewed Sahin and Hayashida on writing, crafting, translating and finishing the collection. Plus, some advice ...

Shooting the Moon: I, Caustic and the Labor of Revolution
I, Caustic, the first English-language edition of Moroccan writer Mohammed Khaïr-Eddine’s Moi, l’aigre (Éditions du Seuil, 1970), translated by Jake Syersak, raises a mobilizing cry against colonization and state violence, weaving drama, historical narrative, ...

READ: A Journal of Inter-Translation
Today marks the launch of our new digital publication READ #9, edited by Sarah Riggs and Alisha Mascarenhas. READ #9: A Journal of Inter-Translation inaugurates our collaboration ...

Translation as Invitation: a workshop & reading
Litmus Press + Torn Page present Translation as Invitation: a workshop & reading w/ Isabelle Garron Eléna Rivera & Sarah Riggs Sunday, April 3rd, 2-5 pm EST In-person translation workshop from 2-3:15 pm EST at