Euclid Shudders by Mark Tardi, Book cover showing a set of two keys dangling on a nail, black background.
Euclid Shudders
By Mark Tardi
Fabulas Feminae by Susan Bee & Johanna Drucker, Book cover showing the authors names and book title in colourful font with a flower and drawings of angels and the Japanese luckycat.
Fabulas Feminae
By Susan Bee, Johanna Drucker
cover of Face Before Against, by Isabelle Garron and translated by Sarah Riggs. Dark grey background with abstract white and beige figures intertwined and standing on a maroon oval.
Face Before Against
By Isabelle Garron
Translated by Sarah Riggs
Front cover of Fall Creek by Lyn Hejinian with abstract painting by Robert Motherwell with three horizontal bands of color at the bottom green black and blue and a vertical blue splash arcing up and falling back down like a wave crashing
Fall Creek
By Lyn Hejinian
Four from Japan: Contemporary Poetry & Essays by Women, by Kiriu Minashita, Kyong Mi-Park, Ryoko Sekiguchi, Takako Arai, Introduction & Translation by Sawako Nakayasu, Book cover showing big brush strokes in blue, yellows and greens against grey background.
Four from Japan
By Ryoko Sekiguchi, Takako Arai, Kiriu Minashita, Kyong-Mi Park
Translated by Cole Swensen, Sawako Nakayasu, Ryoko Sekiguchi
From Dame Quickly by Jennifer Scappettone, a busy painting of moments in an urban landscape, different shapes that traverse the image and give it movement, navy blue background
From Dame Quickly
By Jennifer Scappettone
Fruitlands by Kate Colby, a drawing of a house infront of a forest, greyscale against a background of burgundy red. A sticker on the cover reads "Norma Faber First Book Award 2007"
By Kate Colby
cover of Happily by Lyn Hejinian; bright yellow background with red outline of a large square and three thick lines inside, one blue, one red, one white
By Lyn Hejinian
Cover image for Hearing by Lyn Hejinian and Leslie Scalapino with colorful, geometric design
By Leslie Scalapino, Lyn Hejinian
How Phenomena Appear to Unfold by Leslie Scalapino, Book cover showing intricately drawn peacocks on the right and wild turkeys to the left.
How Phenomena Appear to Unfold
By Leslie Scalapino
human nature poems front cover shows a textured black background like a rumpled piece of fabric or paper with areas of lightness and small gray silver flecks the only text is in the upper left corner reading human nature poems tracie morris
human/nature poems
By Tracie Morris
Hyperglossia by Stacy Szymaszek a drawing with abstract shapes and black-and-white dots that appear to be dripping against a bright orange background.
By Stacy Szymaszek
cover of I Want to Make You Safe by amy king; deep red background cutout b&w image of a screaming chimp, a screaming woman, and greek statue of a woman along the bottom
I Want to Make You Safe
By Amy King
I Caustic front cover with abstract painting by Moa Bennani in black taupe and rust colors
I, Caustic
By Mohammed Khaïr-Eddine
Translated by Jake Syersak
In the Environs of a Film by Danielle Colbert, Book cover showing a drawing of boats in birds-eye-view, greyscale
In the Environs of a Film
By Danielle Collobert
Translated by Nathanaël
Front cover of Journey to Mount Tamalpais with ink brush drawing of the mountain centered on a blue-green background
Journey to Mount Tamalpais, 2nd Ed.
By Etel Adnan
cover of lazy suzie by suzanne doppelt, translated by cole swensen; two b&w repeated images of an icy lakeand a snowy shore with a bench and three bare trees, the left image is upside down and adjusted so the horizon lines on each image match
Lazy Suzie
By Suzanne Doppelt
Translated by Cole Swensen
No Gender by kari edwards: Reflections on the Life & Work of kari edwards. Edited by Julian T. Brolaski, erica kaufman, E. Tracy Grinnell, Book cover showing black threads stitched into white fabric and covered with shiny, translucent tape.
No Gender: Reflections on the Life & Work of kari edwards
Edited by E. Tracy Grinnell, erica kaufman, Julian Talamantez Brolaski
Notebooks 1956-1978 by Danielle Collobert, Translated by Norma Cole, Book cover showing a small B&W photograph of a Brasserie, against a deep red background.
Notebooks, 1956-1978
By Danielle Collobert
Translated by Norma Cole
cover of O Bon by brandon shimoda; a ship covered in plants and algae and color growing on it like moss enters from the left side of the white page
O Bon
By Brandon Shimoda

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