Front cover of Viscera, Eight Voices from Poland with collage by Małgorzata Pawlak
Viscera: Eight Voices from Poland
Edited by Mark Tardi
Cover image of Another Room to Live In featuring sculpture by Simone Fattal
Another Room to Live In: 15 Contemporary Arab Poets
Edited by Omar Berrada, Sarah Riggs
The Supposium: Thought Experiments & Poethical Play in Difficult Times, a Wager by Joan Retallack (Editor), Book Cover showing a collage of photographs, a marble sculpture, a dove, a man, a drawing of a foot, a painting of a face, a photograph of two people in a city.
The Supposium
Edited by Joan Retallack
A Transpacific Poetics edited by Lisa Samuels & Sawako Nakayasu, Book cover showing seven differently ornamented ribbons moving vertically across the page.
A Transpacific Poetics
Edited by Lisa Samuels, Sawako Nakayasu
Etel Adnan sitting in front of a painting on the wall with the words "homage to etel adnan" in the middle
Homage to Etel Adnan
Edited by Steve Dickison, Lindsey Boldt, Samantha Giles
No Gender by kari edwards: Reflections on the Life & Work of kari edwards. Edited by Julian T. Brolaski, erica kaufman, E. Tracy Grinnell, Book cover showing black threads stitched into white fabric and covered with shiny, translucent tape.
No Gender: Reflections on the Life & Work of kari edwards
Edited by E. Tracy Grinnell, erica kaufman, Julian Talamantez Brolaski
Four from Japan: Contemporary Poetry & Essays by Women, by Kiriu Minashita, Kyong Mi-Park, Ryoko Sekiguchi, Takako Arai, Introduction & Translation by Sawako Nakayasu, Book cover showing big brush strokes in blue, yellows and greens against grey background.
Four from Japan
By Ryoko Sekiguchi, Takako Arai, Kiriu Minashita, Kyong-Mi Park
Translated by Cole Swensen, Sawako Nakayasu, Ryoko Sekiguchi
cover of O Four, Subliminal Time edited by Leslie Scalapino; "my heart is destiny" twice in bright blue handwritten text vertically, one on top of the other with blue crayon-like rectangular outline, blurb about the book typed in blue text in a column on the right side of cover
O Four / Subliminal Time
Edited by Leslie Scalapino
cover of The India Book by Andrew Schelling, light pink background and a vertical red-tinted photo of a small skeleton with a mask in a garden
The India Book: Essays and Translations from Indian Asia
By Andrew Schelling
cover of O Two anthology edited by Leslie Scalapino, bright teal rectangle with scratch marks at top center with light brown-purple background and white smudges
O Two / An Anthology
Edited by Leslie Scalapino
cover of O One Anthology; pale pink background and bright blue typed writing, white rectangle with pale pink typed writing of title
O One / An Anthology
Edited by Leslie Scalapino

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