A Transpacific Poetics edited by Lisa Samuels & Sawako Nakayasu, Book cover showing seven differently ornamented ribbons moving vertically across the page.
A Transpacific Poetics
Edited by Lisa Samuels, Sawako Nakayasu
Cover image of Actualities with author and artist names Norma Cole and Marina Adams above an abstract painting with pink blue and black curvilinear shapes
By Norma Cole
Art by Marina Adams
Amnesia of the Movement of Clouds & of Red and Black Verse by Maria Attanasio, translated by Carla Billitteri, Bookcover showing white horizontal lines across a black background, accentuated by white dots
Amnesia of the Movement of Clouds / Of Red & Black Verse
By Maria Attanasio
Translated by Carla Billitteri
cover of Animate, Inanimate Aims by brenda ijima; collaged image of lines and shapes in off whites, blues, greys, and black
Animate, Inanimate Aims
By Brenda Iijima
Another Kind of Tenderness by Xue Di, Bookcover showing a print of a shape resembling a mushroom or a tree, with little spore-like figures floating towards its top
Another Kind of Tenderness
By Xue Di
Translated by Keith Waldrop, Forrest Gander, Stephen Thomas, Ted Deppe, Sue Ellen Thomas, Wang Ping, Hil Anderson, Waverly Crook, Iona Crook
Cover image of Another Room to Live In featuring sculpture by Simone Fattal
Another Room to Live In: 15 Contemporary Arab Poets
Edited by Omar Berrada, Sarah Riggs
cover of Anti-Humboldt by Hugo Garcia Manriquez, black and white aerial photo of roads, one road splitting into three and curving off the sides of the page, the other cutting straight across diagonally
By Hugo García Manríquez
Front cover image of Asia & Haiti with original black and white print by Byron Baker
Asia & Haiti
By Will Alexander
cover of Aufgabe 1, summer 2001; grey background, small typed white numbers dot the page with straight and curvy lines cutting through
Aufgabe No. 1
Edited by E. Tracy Grinnell, Leslie Scalapino, Norma Cole
Cover for Aufgabe10_2011. Mosaic pattern with a rainbow of many small squares.
Aufgabe No. 10
Edited by E. Tracy Grinnell, Julian Talamantez Brolaski, Cole Swensen
Afugabe 11 cover. Splotchy shades of blue marble pattern disintegrating into pale orange background.
Aufgabe No. 11
Edited by E. Tracy Grinnell, erica kaufman, Julian Talamantez Brolaski, Nathanaël, Christian Nagler
cover for Afugabe 12. painting of small wood-brown house on tall stilts, with a light grey sky.
Aufgabe No. 12
Edited by E. Tracy Grinnell, erica kaufman, Oana Avasilichioaei, Tyrone Williams
cover of Aufgabe13; watercolor painting of mint green and gray background and circular swirls of black and blue
Aufgabe No. 13
Edited by E. Tracy Grinnell, erica kaufman, Biswamit Dwibedy, Nathanaël, Olivia C. Harrison, Teresa Villa-Ignacio
cover of Aufgabe 2; blue tinted image of a girl leaning on a counter overleyed with a piece of graph paper with handwritten notes in french
Aufgabe No. 2
Edited by E. Tracy Grinnell, Rosmarie Waldrop
cover for Afugabe Number 3, Fall 2003. White background with the image of a square piece of camo green fabric. A tadpole is embroidered into the center of the fabric square with light green, almost white thread.
Aufgabe No. 3
Edited by E. Tracy Grinnell, Jen Hofer
cover of Aufgabe 4, fall 2004; light yellow-green background with scale-like shapes of shades of blue
Aufgabe No. 4
Edited by E. Tracy Grinnell, Sawako Nakayasu
cover of Aufgabe 5, fall 2005; pink background with horizontal orange lines and an orange rectangle along the bottom with curved lines in pink and orange interrupting their background interrupting
Aufgabe No. 5
Edited by E. Tracy Grinnell, Mark Tardi, Guy Bennett
cover of Aufgabe 6, spring 2007; watercolor painting with curving lines and splotches in shades of yellow, grey, and blue
Aufgabe No. 6
Edited by E. Tracy Grinnell, Mark Tardi, Ray Bianchi
cover for Afugabe Number 7. White background. in the center, a choppy triangle made up many differently sized pieces of wood, colors ranging from light brown to different shades of green.
Aufgabe No. 7
Edited by E. Tracy Grinnell, Julian Talamantez Brolaski, Jennifer Scappettone
cover of Aufgabe 8; white background with black lines and squares building up the page
Aufgabe No. 8
Edited by E. Tracy Grinnell, Julian Talamantez Brolaski, Matvei Yankelevich

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