detailed line drawing of a demolished building in two columns with title running vertically up and down the middle of the image
CONTROLLED DEMOLITION: a work in four books
By Ammiel Alcalay
Front cover of Viscera, Eight Voices from Poland with collage by Małgorzata Pawlak
Viscera: Eight Voices from Poland
Edited by Mark Tardi
Front cover image of Asia & Haiti with original black and white print by Byron Baker
Asia & Haiti
By Will Alexander
Embroideries cover
By Burcu Sahin
Translated by Jennifer Hayashida
cover of Happily by Lyn Hejinian; bright yellow background with red outline of a large square and three thick lines inside, one blue, one red, one white
By Lyn Hejinian
Front cover of Fall Creek by Lyn Hejinian with abstract painting by Robert Motherwell with three horizontal bands of color at the bottom green black and blue and a vertical blue splash arcing up and falling back down like a wave crashing
Fall Creek
By Lyn Hejinian
Bilingual cover of Safe Fathy's Where Not to Be Born with English and Arabic titles and two images of paintings by Taraneh Mosadegh against a dark blue black cover
Where Not to Be Born
By Safaa Fathy
Translated by Rawad Z. Wehbe
Cover image of Another Room to Live In featuring sculpture by Simone Fattal
Another Room to Live In: 15 Contemporary Arab Poets
Edited by Omar Berrada, Sarah Riggs
Cover of Spectral Evidence The Witch Book by Nancy Bowen and Elizabeth Willis featuring a stack of books on fire with the book title appearing in the smoke
Spectral Evidence: The Witch Book
By Elizabeth Willis
Art by Nancy Bowen
Cover image for Sphinx by Liliane Giraudon shows the silhouette of a woman holding a bird upside down by the feet with wings splayed against a red background
By Liliane Giraudon
Translated by Lindsay Turner
human nature poems front cover shows a textured black background like a rumpled piece of fabric or paper with areas of lightness and small gray silver flecks the only text is in the upper left corner reading human nature poems tracie morris
human/nature poems
By Tracie Morris
An abstract painting with a blue egg like shape rising in the upper right below which we see an orange red flower like shape above blacks and greens everything is covered in multicolor dots the title of the book the cloud notebook and the author name ada smailbegovic appear in the lower third of the painting
The Cloud Notebook
By Ada Smailbegović
I Caustic front cover with abstract painting by Moa Bennani in black taupe and rust colors
I, Caustic
By Mohammed Khaïr-Eddine
Translated by Jake Syersak
cover image with the letters R E A D in a two by two grid in red gold purple and green
Edited by Sarah Riggs, Alisha Mascarenhas
An African American Barbie doll wearing a pink bathing suit floats in a green pool her head appearing in the lower left corner and legs extending to the top right of the image. The title of the book and partially deleted author name appear in the bottom right corner. The title is Standard American English. It is in a yellow hand written font and the author name reads EL_S_TH H_ST_ON
Standard American English
White cover with image of artwork by Alison Rossiter titled Density 1947. Six gelatin prints in off-white and beige, with book title, author and translator names below.
Body Was
By Isabelle Garron
Translated by Eléna Rivera
Front cover of Journey to Mount Tamalpais with ink brush drawing of the mountain centered on a blue-green background
Journey to Mount Tamalpais, 2nd Ed.
By Etel Adnan
By Aja Couchois Duncan
Cover image for Hearing by Lyn Hejinian and Leslie Scalapino with colorful, geometric design
By Leslie Scalapino, Lyn Hejinian
cover of Off-World Fairy Tales by Susan Bee & Johanna Drucker; colorful drawing of a planet, a fairy, a frog, a rocket, a ufo, a hummingbird at a flower, a star and a crescent moon, wth bursts of energy raidaiting and sky blue surrounding it
Off-World Fairy Tales
By Susan Bee, Johanna Drucker

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